
The Town of Gulf Stream will improve the roadways within the Town Core Area between North Ocean Boulevard and the Intracoastal Waterway and Golfview Drive to Sea Road.  The project includes the following improvements:

  • Reconstruction of all roadways to improve surface water drainage.
  • Addition of valley gutters at the edge of the roadways to facilitate surface water drainage.
  • Upgrades to the existing stormwater system.
  • Replacement and upsizing of existing asbestos cement water mains.


Funding has been secured through Town budget and loans.

Project Components

  • Stormwater drainage will be improved by increasing the outfall discharge pipe at Banyan Road and Polo Drive from 24-inch to 48-inch diameter.
  • The roadways will be reconstructed and regraded to direct stormwater runoff into roadway drainage structures via valley gutters.
  • Additional drainage structures and culverts will increase the existing stormwater system capability to intercept and discharge runoff.
  • The existing aging asbestos cement water main will be replaced throughout the core area with minimum 6-inch diameter C900 PVC pipe.

Project Area